Misetry of Womens Affairs
An urgent appeal was Issued by the Regional Conference - Arab Women and Peace and Security - held under the slogan

An urgent appeal was Issued by the Regional Conference - Arab Women and Peace and Security - held under the slogan "Stop the War on Gaza... Now, Not Tomorrow," sponsored by the Kuwaiti Minister of Foreign Affairs and organized jointly by the Arab Wom


The text of the appeal 
We, participants in “Kuwait Conference” on Arab Women, Peace, and Security, held on February 15 and 16, 2024, under the slogan "Stop the War on Gaza... Now, Not Tomorrow," organized by the Kuwaiti Union for Women's Associations in collaboration with the Arab Women's Organization, urgently address the following:
1. To the UN Security Council to Issue a strict resolution: 
      i. Immediate ceasefire in Gaza Strip to prevent genocide.
      ii. Stop all forms of displacement.
      iii. Facilitate urgent humanitarian aid delivery to Gaza Strip people, especially aid for women, girls and children.
      iv. Launch an immediate UN initiative to end the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories based on international resolutions, recognizing the rights of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state within the borders of 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and acknowledging the national rights of the Palestinian refugees.
2. To the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Guterres, for:

   a. Initiating a UN workshop to review the implementation of Resolution 1325 and examining effective enforcement mechanisms to provide serious protection for women and girls during times of war, armed conflicts and occupation.
   b. Sending an investigative committee to look into violations against women and girls living under the Israeli Occupation, and violation against them during the war in Gaza Strip and against female prisoners in Israeli jails.
3. To the Human Rights Council, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the International Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women in Geneva, urging for:

   a. Sending an urgent mission to Occupied Gaza Strip to gather information and documentation on violations during the war, conducting live interviews with victims and their families, and coming up with a clear decision to condemn the practices of Israeli occupation forces.

4. To the International Red Cross and all international and regional relief agencies, calling for:
   a. Intensifying the efforts to expedite the delivery of urgent humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza Strip and all occupied Palestine, especially essential needs for women and girls. 

5. To International and Arab human rights institutions, urging to:
   a. Mobilizing efforts and launching a broad campaign to document the crimes and violations committed by the Israeli forces in Gaza strip and all of Palestine, filing a case with the International Criminal Court against the Israeli war criminals, ensuring their trial and preventing them from escape punishment.
  b. launching a campaign calling the largest possible number of countries to join the South Africa legal case before the International Court of Justice.

The participants also affirmed their commitment to intensifying national efforts by consulting with official and civil entities concerned with women's rights to develop a national action plan to support the Palestinian cause in general, and protect women and girls in particular during times of war.

Furthermore, participants expressed their deep concern about the ongoing military operations in Yemen, Sudan, and Syria, as well as Israeli military attacks on southern Lebanon and the continuing catastrophic consequences for women and girls there, making it necessary to intensify the international efforts to secure their protection and expedite the end of wars in those regions.

Also, they expressed their appreciation and admiration to journalists, both females and males, working in all local, Arabis and international media platforms, for their efforts and courage in presenting live facts serving the truth, justice, peace and security despite the systematic targeting by the Israeli Occupation.