Misetry of Womens Affairs
Her Excellency Mona Al-Khalili assumed her duties as Minister for Women’s Affairs.

Her Excellency Mona Al-Khalili assumed her duties as Minister for Women’s Affairs.


Her Excellency Mona Al-Khalili has assumed her duties as Minister for Women’s Affairs, in the 19th government headed by Muhammad Mustafa, on Monday 1-4-2024 in the ministry’s office in Ramallah, succeeding former Minister Dr. Amal Hamad, in the presence of the Ministry's staff.

Dr. Al-Khalili thanked President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Dr. Muhammad Mustafa for trusting her to assume this position, and confirmed that she will add up to the achievements of Dr. Hamad who made all effort to meet the needs of the Palestinian people in general and Palestinian women in particular, and to promote resilience, develop partnerships at all levels and achieve inclusive development.

Dr. Hamad handed out the work files to Dr. Al-Khalili, the new Minister, After reviewing the achievements of the Ministry in the previous period, and thanking the ministry’s staff on their efforts.  

Then, Mr. Daoud Al Deek, the Undersecretary of the Ministry, welcomed Minister Al-Khalili and confirmed on the team work of the staff, in order to pursue work for Palestinian women.

Lastly, Mr. Al Deek thanked Dr. Hamad and presented her the fulfillment shield as a gesture of appreciation, with the name of the entire ministry’s team.