Misetry of Womens Affairs
League of Arab States /Social Security Sector/Women Sector

League of Arab States /Social Security Sector/Women Sector


A regional extraordinary meeting was organized at the invitation of the Palestinian Ministry of Women's Affairs for the League of Arab States/Social Protection Sector/Women's Sector on “Effects and repercussions of the Israeli aggression against women and girls in the the Gaza Strip and the Occupied Palestinian territory”. The meeting included each of the heads of the Arab women's machinery and the regional executive directors of ESCWA, UN-Women, UNFPA, the Palestine Refugee Relief and Employment Agency and the Arab Network of Women Mediators for Peace. 

Many issues were reviewed in this meeting such as, suffering of Palestinian women, indicators on the Impact of Israeli aggression on Palestinian families in the Gaza Strip and the scale of Israeli violations in West Bank and Jerusalem. States and organizations have shown affiliation and sympathy with the Palestinian cause through their interventions and then agreed to a number of Recommendations and urgent appeals, such as, 1. Stop the Israeli aggression. 2. Ensure entering humanitarian and relief aid into Gaza Strip. 3. Guarantee the safety of civilians. 4. Monitor violations of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people. 5. Raise the voice of Palestinian women in international forums. 6. Shed the light on the reality of women and girls in the international platforms. 7. Establish a legal team of Arab women to file a case with the Criminal Court on the victims of Palestinian women and media monitoring. 8. Establish of a neutral Arab UN team to prepare a report on the impact of the aggression on women and girls in the Palestinian territories.